Saturday, April 26, 2014

Maida Cocoa Cake

This used to be my husband's favourite as my mother - in - law tells me. I have also tried this once after my wedding. Here's the recipe.

Preparation Time : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes


For Vanilla Layer

Maida - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 1/4 cup - 1.5 tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Vanilla Essence - a few drops

For Choco Layer

Maida - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 1/4 cup - 1.5 tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Cocoa Powder - 3/4 tbsp


1. Heat the ghee in a pan.
2. Add the maida and fry continuously till the raw smell of maida goes. The maida and ghee should have combined well.
3. Add sugar 1/2 cup water in a pan and prepare syrup to one string consistency.
4. Add the maida and ghee paste to the sugar syrup, vanilla essence and keep stirring on a medium low flame will the mix starts to thicken.
5. At this stage pour the mixture onto a greased tray and flatten.
6. Repeat this process, heat ghee, roast the maida, add the cocoa powder and mix well.
7. Prepare sugar syrup to one string consistency
8. Add the maida cocoa paste to the sugar syrup and keep stirring till the mixture thickens.
9. Pour over the vanilla layer and flatten.
10. Let it cool for 1/2 an hour before cutting it into pieces.

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